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Oral Surgery

What’s Involved with Oral Surgery?

The practice of oral surgery covers a range of dental operations, which include tooth extractions, implants, and gum and bone grafts, among other procedures. The specialists who perform these operations are oral surgeons, and, if the procedure requires, maxillofacial surgeons – who are professionals that specialize in surgery for the face, head, neck, and jaw. Oral surgery is the chosen method of treatment for anyone who has issues connected to the teeth, gums, jaws, tissues, and structures around the mouth. Not surprisingly, nearly all oral surgery procedures require an anesthetic of some form.

Tooth extractions are among the most frequently performed oral surgery operations. While there is no replacement for strong, naturally healthy teeth, an extraction may be necessary if there is no other alternative when certain issues arise:

  • Accidents happen, and the mouth may experience a trauma of some kind. If the injury to the mouth is particularly serious and one or more teeth are cracked or fractures, they will likely need to be extracted.
  • In some cases, when an orthodontic procedure is performed on a patient, a tooth extraction may be necessary to fix spacing and alignment of his or her remaining teeth.
Oral surgeons

Patients should realize that this is an overall simple, painless surgical procedure which is quite often accomplished in one dental visit. The patient is given a local anesthetic to numb the area to be treated and for the prevention of any pain. The dentist then pulls the affected tooth from its socket. If the situation is more complex, the dentist will make a small incision in the gum to free and remove the tooth. The gum is then sutured to fill in the missing space. (If the procedure is particularly serious and requires a stronger anesthetic, the patient should have someone drive him or her to the appointment, as the effects may last for a couple of hours.)

Anyone in need of oral surgery can learn more about these practices at Family Smile Center in Milford, PA  by calling 570-296-0300.